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Louis Laurent Marie Clerc was born into an important family on December 26, in La Balme-les-Grottes, in southeastern France. From the 15th century, the males in the Clerc family had served the king through the office of Tubelion or the Royal Commissary.
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Wild Bill is a American biographical Western film about the last days of legendary lawman Wild Bill Hickok. The film was written and directed by Walter Hill, and based on the stage play Fathers and Sons by Thomas Babe and the novel Deadwood by Pete Dexter.
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A workers’ demonstration during The shooting of protesting industrial workers in St Petersburg on ‘Bloody Sunday’ generated horror both in Russia and around the world. It also sparked what became known as the Revolution.
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Discover fun facts for kids across science, animals, history, and more! Perfect for curious minds, plus 50 bonus puns for endless giggles.
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Discover Gemma Galgani famous and rare quotes. Share Gemma Galgani quotations about jesus, suffering and heart. "If you really want to love Jesus, first ".
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Fall and Rise: The Story of 9/11 by Mitchell Zuckoff (Harper/HarperCollins, ): “Working at the Boston Globe as an investigative journalist, Zuckoff spent months after 9/11 publishing pieces on the tragedy’s victims and their families and friends. He decided to revisit the personal sagas so that future generations of readers will fully.
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Comedienne Joan Rivers was known for her appearances on 'The Tonight Show,' creating a Grammy Award-nominated comedy album and launching a syndicated daytime talk show, among various other.
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Discover the full story of Barack Obama’s journey to become President of the United States. From his early days organizing communities in Chicago to his first run for the presidency, travel through history with these riveting documentaries and gain insight into the motives and legacy of this iconic figure.
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Otra muestra de la calidad interpretativa de Olimpo Cá hemos propuesto subir a Youtube, canciones de Olimpo Cárdenas, que poco o nada se han difund.
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Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, an iconic figure in US cultural and political history, was more than just her style and marriages. She was a great American first.
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New Delhi: Congress’ duplicity over the new Parliament complex under the Central Vista Project has been exposed. Times Now has accessed a letter of an Officer on Special Duty to ex-Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar sent to the Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, stating that the Speaker has accorded approval for the construction of new Parliament building.